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Profound Autism Intense Behaviors

Many people with profound autism and their caregivers are living in crisis, boarding in emergency rooms and languishing on wait lists. We are determined to change this and empower physicians and their teams to provide COMPASSIONATE, meaningful care.

ECHO Autism: Intense Behavior aims to increase access to best-practice assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for people with autism and intense behavior, no matter where they live or how old they are. This includes things like severe emotional dysregulation, self-injurious behaviors, and physical aggression towards others.

Professionals receive specific deidentified case guidance in a convenient, interactive, web-based small-group format. 

Who Should Participate:

  • Child and adolescent psychiatrists
  • General psychiatrists
  • Other prescribing clinicians, including
    • developmental and behavioral pediatricians
    • neurologists. 

Register here


Have a case to submit? Please contact [email protected].