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Our Impact

People with profound autism cannot afford to wait to be seen, heard, and supported. We are making a difference right out of the gate by investing in targeted advocacy, inclusive research, and meaningful connections for our community.


There is much work to be done to ensure that research includes and benefits autistic people who require lifetime, 24/7 care. This research isn't always easy, but we believe it is imperative. 


Without targeted, consistent advocacy for people with profound autism and those who care for them, meaningful services and supports will continue to remain in short supply.

Through our Washington Wednesdays, where we walk the halls of Congress visiting key legislators in Washington D.C., and our Profound Autism Advocacy Network, we are bringing the realities of our community into federal and state conversations.

  • Learn more about our public policy priorities here.
  • Quickly take action on our current advocacy alerts here.

Caregivers of people with profound autism need understanding, up-to-date information, and real solutions. 

  • Our Caregivers Connected group provides an online forum for caregivers to share experiences and support each other.
  • The 2024 Profound Autism Summit, for which we proudly serve as the premier sponsor, will bring together more than 500 participants from 34 states and counting to hear the latest information on profound autism research, supports, services, and advocacy.