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Profound Autism Advocacy Network Meeting

January 22, 2025
7:30 PM Eastern



Now more than ever, we must be part of the conversation in Washington, D.C., and state capitols nationwide. Legislators and regulators need to understand the realities of living with the kind of autism that requires lifetime, round-the-clock care. To address this, we are building a network of advocacy leaders from every corner of the United States.

As part of our Profound Autism Advocacy Network:

  • You will build relationships with other advocates from across the country.
  • We will provide ongoing training, resources, and support. 
  • You can participate virtually in most instances, which is perfect for caregivers who find it hard to get out of the house.

Please consider joining our efforts. Once you join, you will receive email invitations to our Profound Autism Advocacy Network meetings. 

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

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