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Autism CARES Has Been Signed Into Law

On December 24, 2024, President Joe Biden signed The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act of 2024 (Autism CARES) into law. This legislation reauthorizes and expands legislation originally passed in 2006. 


Thank you to US Representative Chris Smith

We are incredibly grateful to US Representative Chris Smith, the primary bill sponsor and autism community champion, for his tenacity and leadership.

Read Representative Smith's Press Release

Specifically, Autism CARES 2024:

  • Directs the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to research
    • issues encountered by individuals and caregivers as they age,
    • mental health concerns,
    • co-occurring conditions
    • needs for supports and services, such as care necessary for physical safety and the prevention of self-injurious behavior;

  • Increases the number of NIH Centers of Excellence to seven and ensures research reflects the entire population of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and is designed to address the full range of needs faced by individuals, including ensuring the physical safety and promoting the well-being of all Americans with autism;

  • Includes, for the first time, a professional bypass budget to provide the autism community with a comprehensive budget highlighting priority research areas and resources needed to advance quality-of-life improvements for all individuals with autism and

  • Promotes the adoption of assistive communication technologies to improve communications outcomes for those with communication assistance needs.

Thank you Senators Collins and Luján for recognizing the immense needs of our community.

Senate HELP Committee, July 31, 2024

We are just getting started. Join our advocacy efforts moving forward. As part of our Profound Autism Advocacy Network:

  • You will build relationships with other advocates from across the country.
  • We will provide ongoing training, resources, and support. 
  • You can participate virtually in most instances, which is perfect for caregivers who find it hard to get out of the house.

Join the profound autism advocacy network